Would you rather only speak in a baby voice or a drastic whisper for the rest of your life?.Would you rather be able to read your pet’s mind or your partner’s mind?.Would you rather be with a quiet or passionate lover?.Would you rather meet your celebrity crush at 6:00 AM after being out all night or after just rolling out of bed?.Would you rather go dancing or singing at a karaoke bar?.Would you rather get matching tattoos or piercings?.Would you rather only be able to communicate writing on Post-It notes or using a megaphone?.Would you rather never fall in love or fall in love with every person you date?.Flirty First Date Questions (Dragon Images/) Now please enjoy the list of ‘Would You Rather’ questions for couples we’ve compiled. It’s not something to be taken too seriously though, so make sure to have fun with it. You will likely see them differently after the game is over (which may be a good or a bad thing!). Each of them will encourage you to connect with your partner in a deeply unique way.

These questions are meant to make you laugh, cringe, get in the mood, and think about the hard stuff. Be warned, however, as some questions may also be grosser than you anticipated. It also makes for great foreplay as some of these questions are a bit naughty! Don’t worry though, you can easily skip those if you don’t think your relationship is ready for that yet. ‘Would You Rather’ is the perfect way to start a deep and meaningful conversation. These questions are perfect for first dates or long-term relationships. Whether it be their values, habits, or bedroom fantasies, there’s no better way to learn about someone you’re dating! This game is designed to get to know a person at such a level that you begin to wonder how humans have survived this long. No, you won’t learn about their favorite movies or where they went to college. Ready to spice things up in your relationship? Here are almost 200 ‘Would You Rather’ questions for couples that will help you really get to know your partner.